400W to 600W is paved and open to the public. 400W to 300W has been cleared and is ready for stone and asphalt to be laid by Hancock County Highway department. 300W-150W is pending for purchase, design, and construction by a Federal grant. Pennsy Trails connection between Greenfield and Cumberland is expected to be complete by 2030.
Pennsy Run Club -NEW- starts in February- see flyer at https://pennsytrails.org/pennsy-run-club/
Summer 2025- Trail survey- every other year- TBA- our tool + Tourism AI tool
Spring workdays at Schramm Nature Preserve 9am April 5th
Spring workdays on the Pennsy Trails at 400 W at 9am April 12th at 400W and April 19th at 400W
Spring workdays at the Pennsy Trails Monarch Waystation 9am April 26th
Next Pennsy Trails Quarterly Board Meeting is April 27th 2-4pm at 400W. Meetings held at 400W except for Winter Q1 then at Community Foundation of Hancock County. Rain location at Cardinal Elements office 102 Granby Dr Suite 106 Cumberland IN 46229. All meetings held in Hancock County.
June 7th- National Trails Day- 400W Nature Event- 400W-600W ride 8am, events at 400W 9-11am
June- Depot Music Park- Pennsy Table-2025- 4:30pm-9pm- one date TBA
June 28- New Pal Fest on US 52 Saturday 12 noon to 8pm
June 28 July 26, -Aug 30, Sept 27- Cumberland Blues, Beer, BBQ- only one date
July 26 -NRHT ride in Greenfield 9am-12 noon- Art Fest till 4pm- Meets at 159 South State St & Pennsy Trail, Greenfield, IN 46140
August 16- NRHT ride 400W-Zoo- 9am meets 5547 Bonna Ave 46219
Sept -Volunteer fair – Thrive Center
Monarch Waystation- clear another ⅓ this fall and plant seeds- date TBA